Cost-effective and time-saving medical record retrieval and organization.
Customizable tools created from the most relevant, critical facts found in your medical record.
Services to help you assess risk and ensure the integrity of your clinical documentation.
An easy, secure, and convenient way to access and navigate your records and reports online.
Home Medical Record Analysis Provider of Care Report
Our provider of care report is a simple, yet powerful time-saving tool. It’s an alphabetically ordered list of all staff who documented in the medical record highlighting clinical interactions with the patient whose care is in question. Each line of the report contains the employee’s name, the date the care was administered, the record type, and a hyperlinked Bates reference to the page in the record where the entry was made.
This report can also be made available in a preliminary format, early in the review process.This initial report is perfect for identifying potential witnesses, prepping for interviews and depositions, or working on other case preparation prior to medical analysis.
Provider of care reports are customizable. We can adapt the report to your needs, focusing on specific time periods, individual caregivers, or a particular facility.
Eliminates the need to review a record multiple times to identify caregiver entries. Files can be created for interviews and depositions at the click of a mouse.
Our team is standing by to help you in any way we can.
It’s clear that the Excelas team has a real interest in healthcare and a desire to keep our focus on resident care. Your analyses always examine what matters most—the standard of care, and the real, documented facts of the case.
- A claims manager from TX
Best practices for a successful Enterprise Risk Management program in long-term care organizations and how Excelas, LLC can help.
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The Bloody Truth about Brain Bleeds & Blood Thinners: Suits, Surgery, and Solutions
Many claims against senior living operators related to falls and alleged brain hemorrhages present a high risk of exposure. University of Chicago Neurosurgeon Dr. Sean Polster and attorney James Bream of Cray Huber Horstman Heil & VanAusdal LLC, will join Moderator Beth Wilson, President of Excelas, LLC, to explain key medical principles and legal strategies for mitigating risk and defending these complex cases.
Thursday, September 19, 2024 9:15 AM
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