Case Summary
The relevant facts of your case outlined in a narrative format
Our case summary outlines the crucial details within the medical history in a narrative format, encompassing all internal and external care providers and care settings. This report includes a roster of key healthcare providers, alerts you to any missing documents that appear critical to the case, and provides an objective assessment of whether standards of care were met.
Case summary reports are an efficient way to see a patient’s care experience with all its supporting documentation. While the analysis is comprehensive in scope, the report itself is concise and completely customizable.
Your report may contain:
- Biographical data including the patient’s medical history
- Specific allegations, if applicable
- Facility information
- Staff members who provided care to the patient
- A brief case overview with medical record summary
- Pertinent issues and significant events at each facility
- An objective opinion provided by our medical legal analyst on whether or not the allegations can be refuted and notes on additional areas of concern
For your convenience, every piece of medical information in your case summary is cross-referenced with the medical record. Simply click on the hyperlinked Bates numbers in the report to immediately see the page of the medical record where the information is contained.
Case Summary Benefits
Tells a clear story of the patient’s clinical course in an easy-to-read format. The case summary can be the basis for initial case valuation and defense strategy.

Early, Focused Reviews to Combat “Profits over People” Claims
The plaintiffs’ bar has redirected its efforts from the allegations relating to a breach of the standard of care to claims of fraud and conspiracy in the name of corporate profits.