
The End of the Public Health Emergency Implications for Long-Term Care

The status of CMS's healthcare delivery waivers and flexibilities once…

Nursing home pay boost proposed by CMS

3.7% boost is approximately $1.2 billion in Medicare Part A…

SNFs hanging by a thread

New rules for room occupany limits forcing facilities to close

Shock Verdicts: Defense Strategies to Combat Excessive Verdicts and Settlements

Shock Verdicts, are becoming more common during verdicts and settlements.…

Beth Wilson Named Excelas President

Former Senior Counsel with HCR ManorCare/ProMedica Health begins April 17,…

Beth Wilson Named President of Excelas, LLC

Tenure begins April 17, 2023

Remote Patient Monitoring: Uses and Challenges

Telehealth and remote patient monitoring continues to expand but RPM…

Three-day hospitalization rule must go

'Unnecessary, outdate' 58-year-old rule outdated

Early case valuation from a medical standpoint

What counsel needs to know

Best Practices in Nursing Documentation
APRNs improve health outcomes in nursing homes

They help prevent expensive hospital transfer.

Trends for 2023 – Health Information Management Industry