$2.75 billion in fraud recoveries
100 employees mandate
2022 best and brightetst
2022 DRI
2023 dri
2024 best and brightest
2024 DRI
2024 DRI senior living seminar
2025 cms survey
aging services
american red cross
anchoring damages
antimicrobial drug overuse
arbitration agreement
arbitration agreement enforceability
arbitration agreements fines citations
artificial intelligence
artificial intelligence in healthcare
ascension hospitals
assisted living
assisted living communities not immune
assisted living lawsuit remanded to state court
assisted living negligence claims
assisted living state regulations
avoid recovery audits
best & brightest
Best & Brightest National Summit 2023
best and brightest
best and brightest 2023
best and brightest companies
best and brightest companies to work for
best company
best documentation practices
best employer
best fall prevention strategies
Best Practices Preventing Infections
Beth Wilson
blood thinners
boosters healthcare staff
brain bleeds
brain bleeds and blood thinners
briggs v life care centers
broad immunity granted in negligence claims
build robust defense strategy
build winning defense strategies
C19 comprehensive integrated timeline tool
cameras in nursing home rooms
care calendar
CARES act funding
case and risk evaluation
case summary
case valuation
CDC guidance
change healthcare cyber attack
changes in healthcare
chronic wound healing advances
claim report data
class action
class action settlements
clifton porter ii
clinical documentation
cms changes to minimum data set
cms final payment rule
cms final staffing rule
CMS guidances
CMS nursing home staff reports
collaborative litigation
community in workplace
compliance and legal threats
compliance challenge for mid-size chains
comprehensive integrated timeline
comprehensive integrated timeline tool
containing costs in long-term care claims
containing litigation costs
cost effective protocols in medical record
covid cases go to trial
COVID challenge webinar
COVID deaths veterans homes
covid lawsuit
covid malpractice
covid negligence case sent back to state court
covid nursing home threat
covid related legal challenges
covid timelines
covid wounds
covid wrongful death
COVID-19 claims against long-term care providers
COVID-19 compehensive integrated timeline tool
COVID-19 complaint tracker
covid-19 complaints
COVID-19 compliance
covid-19 comprehensive integrated timeline tool
covid-19 defense strategies
COVID-19 documentation
covid-19 federal protections not applicable
COVID-19 liability limits
COVID-19 liability protections
COVID-19 mandate
COVID-19 New Direction
COVID-19 Timeline Tool
COVID-19 waivers
covid-19 wrongful death claims
covid-related criminal charges dismissed
current litigation
customized chronologies
cyber attack crushes skilled nursing
data integrity
deaths cause by falls
dedensification initiatives
defend fall related claims
defending staffing allegations
defense of healthcare claims
Defense Tactics
defense-building tools
delta variant cases in fully vaccinated
diabetic ulcers
digital health
documentation practices
early case evaluation
early case valuation
early claim resolution
early risk assessment
electric bandage
electronic health record
electronic record retrieval
emergency department
emerging risks in senior living
employer response
employer trends
enterprise risk management
enterprise risk management long-term care
esthers law
excelas 19th anniversary
excelas care calendar
excelas erm support programs
excelas expanded capabilities
excelas hiring
excelas llc reviews
excelas performance metric 11-2022
excelas performance metrics
excelas solutions
excelas supports defense strategies
excelas value proposition
excelas webinar
excelas woman-owned business
excessive verdicts and settlements
false claims act
false claims act cases
fca recoveries related to healthcare
federal contractors covid compliance
federal covid cases
flase claims act
garcia case
gravity healthcare consulting
hardship waivers
Health and Aging
health information
health information management
healthcare documentation
healthcare fraud
healthcare industry scrutiny
healthcare lobbying 2025
healthcare providers
healthcare strategic defense tools
healthcare trends
high-tech socks
hipaa compliance
hospice addendum provision
hospital at home
hospitals and snf collaboration
how to respond to audits
hurricane relief
illinois assisted living providers protected
immediate jeopardy
immediate jeopardy citations
improve health outcomes nursing homes
increase medicaid reimbursements
increased civil litigation
independent contractor rule
industry trends
infection control
infection control violations
infection prevention
Infection Related Medical Malpractice
Infectious Outbreak Controls
information access with a mouse click
insurance claims
internal audit
internal audits
Issues in LTC
jean bourgeois
kennedy terminal ulcers
legal department budget cuts
Legal Nurse
liability risk
litigation defense
Litigation Trends
long term care challenges
long term care staffing
Long-term Care
long-term care litigation
long-term care providers criminally charged
Long-term Care Risk Factors
lunchbreak lawsuit
martha kelso
mass layoffs at cms
mass torts
meaningful work
medicaid funding nursing homes
medicaid nursing home spending
medical audit
medical chronology
medical malpractice defense
Medical Malpractice Lawsuits
medical negligence cases
medical record analysis
medical record audits
medical record consent section
medical record documentation
medical record retrieval services
medical record services
Medical Records
medical records management
medical records review
Medical Review
medicare advantage insurers imiting access to post-acute care
medicare data breach
medicare fraud nursing homes
memory shots
minimum data set changes
multidistrict litigation
multidrug resistant organisms
must-admit orders
national standards for senior living industry
nationwide surgery delays amid iv shortage
negotiated risk agreements
new facility assessment requirements
new infection control requirements assisted living
no federal masking rules
norris cunningham
nuclear verdicts
nursing home care deficiency-free
nursing home citations
nursing home closures
nursing home deaths
nursing home deserts
nursing home essential waivers
nursing home protections
nursing home quality of care
nursing home SCOTUS case hearing
nursing home staffing exemptions
nursing home staffing mandate
nursing home survey tags
nursing home visitation
nursing homes
nursing homes job losses
nursing homes sue
nursing shortage
nutrition claims
nyc covid-19 vaccine mandate
ohio law
ohio nursing homes
ohio nursing homes appropriation
older adults falls
opportunities in 2025 medicare pay rule
OSHA covid inspections
osha emergency temporary standard
osha withdraws vaccine mandate
outsourcing benefits
palliative care
pandemic liability shield law struck down
patient safety act
payroll-based journal
PBJ data
penalties for unvaccinated
performance metrics
phe end date
PHE protection challenges
post-antibiotic era
powerful click of a mouse
PREP act complaints
PREP Act Updates
pressure injury misleading reports
pressure wound
profits over people claims
proposed decrease in nursing home medicare funding
provider liability
provider of care report
provider perspectives
public health emergency
public health emergency revocation
quality of care
race for the place
ransomware attack
rates of falls increase
rates of pressure injuries increase
Record Review
recruitment of aging service workforce
reduce fall risk
regulatory isses in assisted living
regulatory issues assisted living
regulatory standards compliance
remote patient monitoring
remote work model
renew public health emergency
reptile defense tactics
reptile theory in litigation
resident complaint sent to arbitration
rising patient acuity
risk assessment
risk management
risk mitigation program
robot assistants
saldana decision
SCOTUS declines federal arbitration case
senate special committee on aging review
senior care
senior living
senior living industry insights
senior living litigation
senior living occupancy
senior living trends
shock verdicts
sidestep state protections
single-occupancy room initiatives
skilled nursing
skin wounds
small businesses
SNF final rule
snf operator litigation pitfalls
solid systems and documentation
staff experiences resident life
staffing concerns aging services
staffing crisis
staffing mandate assessments
staffing mandate deadline
staffing rule financial penalties
state of nursing home sector
stay interviews
strategic documentation assisted living
strategic senior living documentation
stricter audits
structured timelines
sunrise senior living
supporting defense strategies
survey changes 2025
take-home covid
take-home covid liability
take-home COVID-19 lawsuit
Talevski Decision
tariffs effect on healthcare
technology long-term care
telehealth reimbursements
texas nursing homes
The Joint Commission
three-day hospitalization rule
three-day stay set to expire
topic chronology
tort reform legislation
trends in cms skilled nursing penalties
trilogy health services
turning and repositioning
turning away new resident admissions
unavoidable pressure ulcers warning
unraveling PREP Act immunity
unvaccinated workers
uv-c disinfection systems
vaccination mandate
vaccination slide
vaccine mandates
veterans facility immune covid prosecution
virtual scribes
virtual sitter services
wage and hour litigation
whistleblower program
winning defense strategy
withdraw federal staffing mandate
women-owned business
wongful death supreme court prep act
work from home
work life balance
workforce crisis
workforce crisis in long term care
working remotely
workplace culture
wound care
wound care regulations
wound care software
wound-related claims
wrongful death nursing home
wrongful death suit
medicaid nursing home spending
News | 09.01.22
CMS Presses States on Medicaid Nursing Home Spending
Use Medicaid authority to help drive better health outcomes