Medical Records

Skin Wound Documentation: Implications in Care, Claims and Compliance

Accurate documentation of wound care is essential for defending claims…

Malnutrition Diagnosis and Documentation

Comprehensive medical record documentation is critical in demonstrating quality care…

Enterprise Risk Management Essential in Long-Term Care Organizations

Best practices for a successful Enterprise Risk Management program in…

The Medical Record is the Medical Record… Supporting Defense Strategies
Regulatory Issues in Assisted Living
False Claims Act and Documentation Practices

False Claim Act allegations in long-term care stem from poor…

CMS Increases Focus on Hospice Care: As Always, Documentation is Key

Hospice care and billing have become a focus for lawmakers…

Evolving Technology in Long-Term Care Integration of Data

As technology in healthcare is evolving with telehealth, remote patient…

Why Excelas? The Value Proposition

The benefits and value of working with Excelas as told…

Medical Record and Document Management

Excelas attended a webinar by the Adelman Law Firm on…

Shock Verdicts: Defense Strategies to Combat Excessive Verdicts and Settlements

Shock Verdicts, are becoming more common during verdicts and settlements.…

Remote Patient Monitoring: Uses and Challenges

Telehealth and remote patient monitoring continues to expand but RPM…