
This page contains resources to help you find and understand the services and solutions offered by Excelas.  In order to accommodate your preference for apprehending information, both video and their transcripts are provided. Test.

PREP Act Update May 2023

Case Summary

Excelas Case Summary

Comprehensive in analysis yet concise in delivery, a case summary provides a clear, objective overview of the entire medical record. It objectively presents the relevant facts in a narrative format, highlighting key providers and events, and identifying any missing information that might be critical to your defense. The case summary gathers information from all providers and facilities into one report allowing you to easily locate and print important documents, and provides a clear analysis and conclusion. The case summary is the perfect tool for early risk assessment and gathering the facts and documentation that inform your defense strategy.

Medical Chronology

Excelas Medical Chronology

When the best way to understand a case is to see the events as they happened, a detailed medical chronology is the answer. Chronologies are detailed timelines of events that focus on the specific allegations, or highlight potential areas of liability. Excelas’ medical chronology displays all events in the medical record but can also be presented as topic chronologies that focus on specific areas of concern, such as skin integrity, nutrition, or patient compliance. Medical chronologies are easy to read and can be sorted by topic, provider, or facility type. The perfect tool to show the sequence of events or refute allegations, chronologies put all the relevant case information at your fingertips.

Medical Record Organization

Excelas Medical Record Organization

An efficient and orderly medical review starts with a complete and organized record. Excelas lays this critical foundation by organizing the patient record chronologically, by episode or care setting. During organization, records are checked for completeness. When an important section of the record is missing, you’re notified so that you may take appropriate action to address any gaps that are found. A HIPAA compliance check is also performed to ensure that all pages of the record are relevant to your case. Documentation belonging to other patients is removed or redacted, providing you with a clean record, free of errant information. Once records are organized and complete, they are uploaded to Zaxas, our online document viewing system that provides secure 24/7 access to the records. Excelas’ record organization process is ideal for early preparation and planning, and for producing complete records to plaintiff attorneys or regulatory agencies.

Medical Record Retrieval

Excelas Medical Record Retrieval Services

Pulling (Extracting) medical records from EMR systems can be a tedious and time-consuming task. Excelas can lift this burden from facility staff with our record retrieval services. Our expertise with medical records, knowledge of EMR systems, and dedicated staff allow us to efficiently locate and gather the documentation required to produce a complete medical record. Excelas can pull documentation directly from the EMR system, coordinate the collection of paper records, or both. Whether you need to pull (obtain) one record or many records, Excelas’ retrieval services are the perfect solution to expertly and efficiently respond to record requests.

Provider of Care Report

Excelas Provider of Care Report

So simple, yet so powerful, the Provider of Care report is one of Excelas’ most unique and cost-saving tools. It provides a clear, complete and organized listing of all the caregivers who documented in the medical record, with one-click access to their entries. The Provider of Care report eliminates the need for multiple, manual reviews of the record to discover and identify caregiver entries, and it allows you to easily locate and print important documents. The Provider of Care report is the perfect tool to increase the efficiency of case preparation, identify potential witnesses, and prepare for interviews and depositions.

Care Calendar

Excelas Care Calendar

Sometimes, the best way to defend a case is to simply show the number of care interactions over a critical time period. When you need to gather, quantify and present all documented medical and nursing services from across thousands of pages of records into one concise, visual presentation, the Excelas Care Calendar is the answer. All documented instances of patient contact are categorized and quantified for each day and displayed in a simple, visual summary on a calendar. The Care Calendar, like all other Excelas products, is fully customizable to suit the needs of your case. With its powerful visual presentation and easy-to-read format, the Care Calendar is perfect for family conferences, mediations, or trial exhibits.

Working With Excelas

Your challenges are complex. Medical records are complex. Excelas makes it simple. Adverse events happen in healthcare and regulatory requests continue to pose a challenge. Your job is to minimize the risk in claims, litigation, and regulatory matters. We give you the insight you need to determine merit and identify the best defense strategy.

With Excelas’ suite of services and the unmatched efficiency of our technology, you get exactly what you need right when you need it every time. Our team of healthcare professionals expertly and efficiently organizes the record and extracts all the relevant information you need. Using proprietary technology that produces incredible efficiencies for our team and our clients, we transform mountains of medical information into concise and easy to understand reports. Whatever issue you face, the facts you need to defend it are in the medical record. When the record is complex or voluminous, when your deadlines are tight, or when you need medical expertise to streamline or focus your case preparation, that is when you need Excelas.

The Excelas Process

The Excelas Process is the key to our efficiency and your satisfaction. Developed through years of experience in our industry, the Excelas Process is designed to control costs, improve turnaround time, and ensure consistency from project to project. Every job is given the same meticulous attention so you get exactly what you need every time.

Step 1 Organize: When your records arrive, they are organized by our team of health information specialists. Organized by care provider and indexed by document type, your mountain of records begins to reveal a chronological story of events as they happen, a critical foundation for an efficient analysis.

Step 2 Identify: Our team of credentialed health information specialists assesses your organized records completeness. They know what the record should contain and can identify any gaps in documentation. If any gaps exist, you will know about it at this early phase so you can take appropriate action.

Step 3 Digitize: Once your record is organized and assessed for completeness, it is digitized. The record is electronically Bates stamped and uploaded into Zaxas, our proprietary document viewing system. You get immediate online access to the organized searchable record so you can begin your case preparation early.

Step 4 Analyze: After it has been digitized, your record is sent to our team of nurse reviewers for medical analysis. Our team provides you with the concise and objective reports and work products your case requires.

Step 5 Finalize: To ensure quality and consistency, all work products are reviewed by our team of quality review specialists. This step ensures that your reports are accurate, concise, objective, and free of errors and distractions so you precisely what you need on every project.

Step 6 Distribute: The final step in our process is the delivery of your work products. All project materials are shared through Zaxas, our online application giving you 24/7 access to all your reports and records. You can also choose to receive your materials on paper or on CD. With the Excelas Process, you get exactly what you need right when you need it. It is all about you and your case. We believe it shouldn’t be any other way.

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HIPAA Seal of Compliance Excelas Medical Legal Solutions

These videos, from the Excelas YouTube channel, are displayed as playlists to help you find information in an audio/video format instead of text. Case Summary, Medical Chronology, Record Retrieval, Record Organization, Provider of Care Report, COVID-19 Comprehensive Integrated Timeline Tool, Care Calendar, Strengths & Weakness Report, Excelas COVID-19 Metrics, Excelas Performance Metrics, Work with Excelas

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