
Nursing schools turning away applicants

Nearly 78,200 applications were not accepted to nursing schools last…

False Claims Act and Documentation Practices

False Claim Act allegations in long-term care stem from poor…

Price of nursing home staffing mandate is $6.8B

102K more workers needed to meet proposed mandate

Best and Brightest Summit Brings National Business Leaders Together

See what Beth Wilson had to share during the panel…

Responding to the Silver Tsunami

An increase in the older population has led long-term care…

Nursing home staffing mandate issued for first time ever

Hardship waivers included

CMS Increases Focus on Hospice Care: As Always, Documentation is Key

Hospice care and billing have become a focus for lawmakers…

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) in Long-Term Care

A shifting landscape for long-term care providers presents many challenges…

2023 DRI Senior Living and Long-Term Care Litigation Seminar

Recap of the experts at the 2023 DRI Senior Living…

Enterprise Risk Management in Long-Term Care

Enterprise Risk Management strategy programs are important for long-term care…

DRI examines senior living industry insights and trends

DRI assembled expert speakers on key topics

Evolving Technology in Long-Term Care Integration of Data

As technology in healthcare is evolving with telehealth, remote patient…