Cost-effective and time-saving medical record retrieval and organization.
Customizable tools created from the most relevant, critical facts found in your medical record.
Services to help you assess risk and ensure the integrity of your clinical documentation.
An easy, secure, and convenient way to access and navigate your records and reports online.
With Thanksgiving a day away, we wanted to reflect on…
Topics: 401(k) limit increase, $3 million HIPAA settlement, Ohio pharmacy…
Topics: PDPM & therapy reimbursement, Google & Ascension partnership, Amazon…
Topics: Seasonal affective disorder, 4-day work week experiment, insurance risk…
Topics: Arbitration agreements, PDPM and SNF consolidation, flu season, and…
Excelas was fortunate to attend and sponsor the DRI Nursing…
Topics: Fall prevention and mobility, opioid settlement, hospice in senior…
Topics: ACA lawsuit, AI innovation, accessibility, and alleviating financial stress.
Topics: abuse icon on nursing home compare, cost of healthcare…
Topics: nurse burnout, daily pay, flu season, and opioid fraud…
The event will cover the current regulatory challenges facing post-acute…