
Over 12,575 COVID-19 related complaints filed

501 complaints are healthcare related

COVID lawsuit bounced back to state court

Leaves nursing home cases open to "inconsistent" interpretation

The Third Circuit Court of Appeals Affirmed the District Court’s Remand to State Court

The latest on COVID-19 cases in the court room where…

What to Know About COVID-19 Wounds: Essential Medical Record Documentation

DRI Senior Living and Long Term Care Litigation Seminar in…

Federal judge upholds vaccine mandate for hospital system

Judge upholds vaccine mandate calling for a balance of "private…

Early Case Valuation from a Medical Standpoint: What Counsel Needs to Know

Excelas, LLC can assist Defense Counsel with early case valuation…

New Timeline Tool Checks Compliance with Federal/State COVID-19 Guidelines

Our timeline tool check compliance by incorporating your health care…

BREAKING: CDC issues new guidance for nursing home COVID infection prevention and control

Questions about the updates will be answered during a Project…

BREAKING: CMS to mandate COVID vaccines for nursing home staff

CMS to mandate COVID vaccine for nursing home staff in…

The PREP Act and State Laws: COVID-19 in Long-Term Care Settings Update

Update to the PREP Act and state immunity laws for…

The PREP Act and State Laws: COVID-19 in Long-Term Care Settings

As of June 2021, the Hunton Andrews Kurth COVID-19 Complaint…

Trends in LTC: Vaccine Mandates

An increase in COVID-19 cases due to the Delta variant…