PREP Act Updates

CMS Final Payment Rule Meets Nursing Home Providers “More Than Halfway”

CMS listend to comments and decided favorably

“Take-home” COVID19 lawsuit advances in California court

The first-of-its-kind ruling in the nation is concerning for businesses

PBJ Data-driven influence on federal staffing mandate

CMS will use Payroll-Based Journal staffing data for inspections effective…

PREP Act in Long-Term Care Settings Update

Due to state statute of limitations, many firms are rushing…

Defending Against COVID-19 Liability Claims

Beyond the PREP Act and state-based protections, other defense tools…

Nursing Homes Sue Over Minimum Staffing Ratios

80 nonprofit and public nursing homes sue to challenge minimum…

Historic Workforce Crisis in Long Term Care Industry Getting Worse

Nursing homes have lost 241,000 caregivers since the start of…