Long-term Care

CMS Extends Moratorium on Phase 2 Enforcement Penalties

In November, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)…

10 Nutritional Considerations for Long-Term Care Residents

Nutrition is major focus at many nursing facilities because it…

7 Ways to Adjust Nursing Home Patient Care Plans After a Fall

Falls are an enormous issue in long-term care facilities, and…

11 Risk Factors for Infections Among the Elderly

Infections in long-term care (LTC) facilities are associated with higher…

5 Interventions to Prevent Falls in Nursing Facilities

Falls are an enormous issue in long-term care facilities, and…

The Five-Step Process for Assessing Quality of Care

There are many aspects to building a strong defense, but…

Three Steps to Building a Successful Wrongful Death Defense

Defending against a wrongful death claim can prove challenging. Often,…

Legal Implications Of Changes To Pressure Ulcer Terminology

Recent—and controversial—changes to pressure ulcer (now pressure injury) terminology and…

Are You Using The Correct Terminology For Pressure Injuries?

The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP), a not-for-profit organization…

EMR: Details To Watch For When Extracting Records

Excelas has retrieved more than 600,000 pages of medical records…

Reptile Theory in Healthcare Litigation: Deposition and Witness Testimony

The Reptile Theory is arguably the most game-changing trend in…

Reptile Theory in Healthcare Litigation: Introduction

The Reptile Theory is arguably the most game-changing trend in…