Issues in LTC

Enterprise Risk Management in Long-Term Care

Enterprise Risk Management strategy programs are important for long-term care…

Assisted Living Accreditation and Guidelines

Excelas' experience in internal audit and record review can assist…

Trends in Insurance Claims: Medical Record Management and Early Case Resolution

Early case valuation and medical record management can help providers,…

As COVID Cases Go to Trial…

COVID cases are going to trial and Excelas' Comprehensive Integrated…

Medical Record and Document Management

Excelas attended a webinar by the Adelman Law Firm on…

The End of the Public Health Emergency Implications for Long-Term Care

The status of CMS's healthcare delivery waivers and flexibilities once…

Shock Verdicts: Defense Strategies to Combat Excessive Verdicts and Settlements

Shock Verdicts, are becoming more common during verdicts and settlements.…

Communication between LTC Providers and Emergency Departments Avoiding Unnecessary ER Transfers
Class Action Litigation Trends in Long-Term Care

An update to class action litigation trends in Long-Term Care…

Industry Experts: Long-Term Care Issues Post-COVID
Defending Staffing Allegations in Long-Term Care

providers must aggressively defend understaffing cases in long-term care, as…

Regulatory Updates: Long-Term Care Staffing

The latest information on CMS's staffing mandate for long-term care…