
Staffing mandate assessments may push operators to brink

Assessment requirements have increased

The Medical Record is the Medical Record… Supporting Defense Strategies
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare – Regulations, Standards, and Legal Issues
Nursing home staffing exemptions criteria unclear

Facilities will need to meet four criteria to qualify.

Strategic Senior Living Documentation
Negotiated Risk Agreements mitigate exposure

Reduce losses and create protection for potential risk issues.

Regulatory Issues in Assisted Living
COVID-related criminal charges dismissed against Silverado

A "vindication for the industry."

Anchoring Damages through Early Case Evaluation

Early case evaluation can help defense counsel combat large aberration…

Nursing schools turning away applicants

Nearly 78,200 applications were not accepted to nursing schools last…

False Claims Act and Documentation Practices

False Claim Act allegations in long-term care stem from poor…

Price of nursing home staffing mandate is $6.8B

102K more workers needed to meet proposed mandate